Extract within Geometry
This endpoint downloads features matching tags inside an uploaded WKT geometry as GeoJSON.
This endpoint pulls OpenStreetMap features inside a geometry and streams them as GeoJSON. For example,
this was downloaded as building=*
inside the WKT POLYGON((-112.17562 33.57116, ...))
You can filter for any tag in the database, either as key=value
or key=*
, and can chain tags if you need 2+ tags.
Before running the extract, you can also calculate the size and feature count of an extract first.
This request takes a single WKT geometry as the PUT
request body (ASCII/UTF8 encoded).
Coordinates are in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) and ordered longitude, latitude. All counted geometries will intersect with the uploaded geometry.
Request Parameters
This is a list of tags in the form key=value
to filter features for.
All features extracted will satisfy each of the passed tags given by this parameter.
This tag list can be created by forming an array of key=value
items and joining
them into one string with the &
Because both =
and &
are reserved characters in URIs, this list must be URL encoded.
An example list of tags could be leisure=park
and name=Westglen Park
. This matches parks
that have the name Westglen Park. To set this parameter,
we’ll URL encode leisure=park&name=Westglen Park
Documentation on tags can be found on the TagInfo resource website.
Your account’s API key. You can create an API key by registering for an account and copy and paste it from your account dashboard.
This optional parameter, when passed, simplifies the output
geometries. The only valid value is simplify=point
, which turns
every output geometry into a single point (its centroid).
This is convenient for approximating LineStrings and MultiPolygons as their central point.
Note the centroid may fall outside the original polygon, e.g. a donut’s centroid is outside the ring.
When the OSM feature extract is successfully created, a 200 OK response will be
issued, with Content-Type: application/json
. The body will be a valid GeoJSON
In the event of an error, an error response will be issued, usually with a 5xx error code.
The error will be JSON-formatted, with an error
field describing the cause.
The error message if the extract request parameters were incorrectly formatted.
This response field will not be present if the extract succeeds.
Data License
This API serves OpenStreetMap data, which is freely available and is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).