Calculate the number of people living in a radius around a point, according to US Census data.
This API endpoint estimates the population inside a circle from US Census data. You can provide either a coordinate (latitude and longitude) or an address, plus a radius around the center.
Request Parameters
The center of the circle as a coordinate. Residents inside this circle will be counted in calculating the population count.
The center coordinate is formatted as longitude,latitude
. One of center
or address
is required.
The center of the circle as an address. Residents inside this circle will be counted in calculating the population count.
If the address is ambiguous, the best result will be chosen, which may or may not be the target address. To get the best results, provide the full address, including: building number, street name, city name, state, zip code, and country.
An example address is 335 McAllister St, San Francisco, CA 94102
. One of center
or address
is required.
The radius around the center, in meters. Maximum radius is 16,093 meters (10 miles).
Your account’s API key. You can create an API key by registering for an account and copy and paste it from your account dashboard.
When population is successfully calculated, a 200 OK response will be
issued, with Content-Type: application/json
. The body will have a property population
which will be a number representing the number of residents in the circle,
estimated from US Census data.
The expected number of residents in the circle, based on US census data.
A descriptive source for the data, including the year the data was collected.
In the event of an error, an error response will be issued, usually with a 5xx error code.
The error will be JSON-formatted, with an error
field describing the cause.
The error message if the extract request parameters were incorrectly formatted.
This response field will not be present if the extract succeeds.
Data License
This API serves data from the US Census Bureau, which is freely available.