Generate Metes
Generate the metes (compass bearing and distance) between consecutive points in a polygon.
This API endpoint generates the bearing (cardinal/compass direction) and distance (in meters) between consecutive points in a supplied polygon (GeoJSON).
This endpoint is useful for rendering survey diagrams like this:
Request Parameters
A sequence of coordinates (single array of [longitude, latitude] points) that will be used to generate the bearing and distance. Similar to the GeoJSON requirement, the coordinates must be closed (the first must equal the last).
Because it is a single sequence (“ring”), it cannot have any holes and cannot be a MultiPolygon
It will have no properties.
Providing at least 6 decimal places is recommended (approximately 11 cm precision). An example sequence of coordinates might look like this, in JSON:
"coordinates": [
[ -77.03787199, 38.89854538 ],
[ -77.03784314, 38.89617453 ],
[ -77.03680463, 38.89537525 ],
[ -77.03571997, 38.89560426 ],
[ -77.03521802, 38.89639905 ],
[ -77.03520648, 38.89854538 ],
[ -77.03787199, 38.89854538 ]
Your account’s API key. You can create an API key by registering for an account and copy and paste it from your account dashboard.
When features are successfully counted, a 200 OK response will be
issued, with Content-Type: application/json
. The body will be a FeatureCollection
of GeoJSON LineStrings, where each LineString represents a line from the polygon.
Each LineString belongs to a Feature which will have the properties bearing_sexagesimal
, and distance_meters
The distance along this line, in meters.
This represents the bearing (or azimuth) of the line. This bearing is calculated from true north and has values 0°-360°, where 0° is due north and 90° is due east.
This is a string formatting of true_bearing_degrees
that surveyors typically use. It
designates the north/south cardinal direction in which to travel and the angle from which
one should deviate.
For example, N 21° 25' 15″ E
is equivalent to true bearing 21.42
. This is sexagesimal (base-60),
hence 25/60 ~ 0.42.
In the event of an error, an error response will be issued, usually with a 5xx error code.
The error will be JSON-formatted, with an error
field describing the cause.
The error message if the extract request parameters were incorrectly formatted.
This response field will not be present if the extract succeeds.